

March 24, 2020

The Spring Clean

The Spring Clean

We are big believers in nurturing not only the outer skin but also what lies beneath. What’s happening on the skin we can see is often a reflection of our inner health. Skincare is important of course – but eating a range of good quality, skin-friendly foods will provide the best foundation for a health glow.

Days lengthen, there’s more sunlight and a sense of optimism. Our post-winter complexions need a reboot to restore natural radiance. The winter weather might leave you looking dull and dry – in need of rejuvenation and exfoliation. Spring can also bring irritation, inflammation, breakouts and eczema due to allergies making your skin extra sensitive.

Spring Skincare Suggestions:

To speed up your skin’s winter recovery we recommend gentle exfoliation and replenishing and purifying masks. O COSMEDICS 3-in-1 Fruit Peel Mask is a great weekly exfoliate you can use year-round. In spa, our O COSMEDICS Pro Dermal Planning peels and masks will help reveal your spring glow.

Maybe it is time to step up your Epionce Lytic Treatment to the next strength? The Epionce Lytic products retexture your skin. They also kill p-acne bacteria.

Take advantage of the spring cleaning fever and go through your skincare and makeup. Did you know that you should toss your skincare and makeup out 12 months after opening? What about those makeup brushes? When did you wash them last? We recommend washing them weekly and a deep cleanse (soak) once a month.

Post a picture of all of the products you are tossing out on Instagram and tag and get 10% off when you replenish your product.

Spring Eating:

To help fight inflammation and allergies we suggest nettle tea. Simply toss a few tablespoons of nettle tea in a pitcher of water. Let it infuse overnight and drink throughout the day.

Stay tuned this spring as we share healthy recipes to reveal glowing skin in our Spring Clean Eating Guide. First up, Leafy Greens – the Glow Getters.

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