Do you suffer from persistent redness and/or thick skin along with flushing, bumps or pimples, visible blood vessels, dryness, swelling, tightness, or burning/stinging on the face? If you said yes, then these all might be indications of rosacea. We are here to help you learn all about rosacea.
The cause of rosacea is unknown and there is no cure, but help is available that can control the signs and symptoms. Rosacea typically begins after age 30 as flushing or redness on the cheeks, nose, chin, or forehead that may come and go. Any of these symptoms as well as small visible blood vessels on the face, bumps or pimples on the face, and/or watery or irritated eyes might be symptoms of rosacea.
“The earliest signs of rosacea are often overlooked because people assume they are temporary and will go away,” said Dr. John Wolf, chairman of dermatology at Baylor College of Medicine. “Unfortunately, without medical treatment, the effects of rosacea often persist and become increasingly severe.”
What should I look for?
There are four subtypes of rosacea: vascular, inflammatory, and ocular. Below are examples of each.

Rosacea Characteristics
Subtype One:
Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR) links to redness in the face, visible blood vessels, and flushing. Some signs include swelling, sensitivity, burning, dry, and/or scaly skin.
Subtype Two:
Papulopustular (or acne) rosacea is the most common type that is connected to acne-like breakouts. Other signs include red skin with acne-like breakouts, oily skin, raised patches, sensitivity, and broken and visible blood vessels.
Subtype Three:
Rhinophyma is a rare form of rosacea that connects to a thickening of skin on the nose. It is often accompanied by another subtype of rosacea and generally affects men. Signs include bumpy skin texture, thick skin on the nose, thick skin on the cheeks, ears, forehead, and chin, large pores, visibly broken blood vessels.
Subtype Four:
Ocular rosacea connects to symptoms around the eye area. Signs include bloodshot and watery eyes, gritty feeling in eyes, stinging sensation, sensitivity to light, styes, crust or scaling may accumulate around the eyelids or lashes, and broken blood vessels on the eyelids.
Treating Rosacea
Rosacea treatments depend upon the case. There is a range of oral and topical medications, skincare, and non-invasive aesthetic procedures to treat the various associated signs and symptoms. Then you have your lifestyle, eating/drinking, and environmental triggers you can watch for and manage.
• Prescription Medication:
Dermatologists may prescribe oral or topical medications in order to bring the condition under control.
• Aesthetic Treatments:
– IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacials remove the visible blood vessels on the face and reduce redness.
– 1540 Fractional laser helps reduce scarring from acne associated with rosacea and repair skin texture.
– HydraFacials for monthly skin health
– Enzyme Peels and Masks – enzymes peels can provide gentle exfoliation to reduce irritation
• Skincare:
A gentle skincare routine is key to helping control rosacea. For example, simply using a non-abrasive, gentle cleanser, then rinsing the face with lukewarm water (cold or hot water is not advised when you have rosacea), and gently patting your face dry with a gentle cotton towel can reduce your rosacea symptoms.
When you pair this with the correct toners, serums, and moisturizers for overall skin health and repair you may see a significant reduction in symptoms. It is also critical to use a daily physical SPF. Most importantly, avoid chemical sunscreen as the chemical reaction to break down the UV rays heats your skin which can trigger flare-ups.
• Cosmetics:
Selecting cosmetics with color correction and ingredients that are safe for sensitive skin is another great option. Therefore, you should look for green-tinted foundations to counter the redness. Select a more yellow powder, avoiding those with pink or orange hues.
• Lifestyle:
Rosacea sufferers can improve their chances of maintaining remission by identifying and avoiding lifestyle and environmental factors that exacerbate their symptoms. For example, flushing related activities, such as saunas, hot tubs, hot yoga, and steamy showers may all trigger flare-ups. Understanding what triggers your individual rosacea is important, so we recommend keeping a diary of food, events, skincare, weather, and activities when a flare-up occurs.
In conclusion, this information is not a diagnosis. If you believe you have these symptoms, please schedule a visit with your dermatologist. Finally, for additional information and resources please visit rosacea.org.