

July 24, 2020

Watermelon – Hydrate + Protect

Watermelon – Hydrate + Protect

Watermelon might be one of my favorite summer foods and so nostalgic. As a child, my grandmother would buy the biggest watermelon at the supermarket and us cousins would inhale it while playing at the lake.   

Due to the name of this fruit, it should come as no surprise; watermelons are full of water. Water comprises 93% of what a watermelon is made of. Rehydrating and replenishing as you consume a slice, watermelons are an extremely easy way to eat your water. In the summer months, this is particularly useful because your body and skin are prone to losing moisture. 

Watermelons contain Vitamins A and C, giving the skin exactly what it needs for a radiant and youthful glow because of their collagen-boosting properties. The lycopene in this fruit acts like an internal sunscreen that when combined with a topical sunscreen helps protect your skin from UV damage and sunburns. Interestingly, watermelon is also a source of iron. This can increase red blood cell production which boosts circulation, promoting healthy skin, hair, and nails. 

You should also stop spitting out those seeds! Watermelon seeds are little nutritional powerhouses; they contain beneficial fatty acids and antioxidants your skin needs to stay hydrated. They can also help acne sufferers, so don’t spit them out. 

Good for: anti-aging, acne, sun seekers.


When it comes to including watermelon in your summer or year-round eating this fruit makes it amazingly easy to use in sweet or savory dishes or simply juiced. Here are a couple of my favorite go-to recipes. 

Watermelon Caprese Salad 


  • Watermelon 
  • Fresh Mozzarella 
  • Sliced Almonds 
  • Mint 
  • Basil 
  • EVOO 
  • Balsamic Vinegar 

Remove rind and slice watermelon 1 inch thick. I prefer about a 3×3 square, so it is about the same size as the fresh mozzarella. Toast some sliced almonds. Chop some mint and basil. Top each slice of watermelon with 1 slice of fresh mozzarella, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic, sprinkle with toasted almonds, mint, and basil. 

Watermelon Juice 


  • Cubed Watermelon 
  • Lime 
  • Mint 

Toss the cubed watermelon, freshly squeezed lime juice and some chopped mint into your blender and pulse away. Adjust the ratio of mint, lime, and watermelon to your liking. Even my kids love this drink. 

For more recipes, visit our Eating Beautiful Facebook group.

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